Friday, January 8, 2010

oh so cold

So, we made it home from HHI at around 6pm. I don't think I have ever been so happy to see my home, but it did come with a warning. All day Andy had been warning me that the house was going to be cold. Before we left he shut our water off (thank goodness because I think that all of our pipes would have burst) and turned out heat way down, and possibly off, I am not sure. So, here I am so happy to be home. I rush into the house with some of the stuff from the car and when I get no further than the threshold of our door I am hit with an Arctic Blast. Um, yes, I dare say that it was colder inside our house than it was outside our house where it was a balmy 25 degrees. It was so cold in our house that the temperature setting on our thermostat stopped reading it and was stuck at 40 degrees.
Now, most of you that know me, know that at work when it is 90 degrees outside I will usually have my space heater running. You will hardly ever find me sitting on the couch without a blanket, even in the summer. In the winter at home I ALWAYS have 1-2 blankets and my space heater pointed directly at me at the highest setting it will go wherever I am in the house (usually my couch is where I can be found.) So when this Arctic Blast hit my I almost froze right there. I thought it was not really that big of a deal and Andy HAD warned me, but that was when I thought that it would warm up pretty quickly. We got the fan running at about 6:45 and I thought we were home free, but when 7:30 came around and the house was not getting any warmer and I could not possibly put on one more piece of clothing and still be mobile it was time to do something, anything. I calmly walked into the kitchen where Andy and I started discussing going to either his parents house (they were not home) or his grandmother's house (where his parents were and aunts and uncles and dogs). We knew that we could not leave Laney in the house because she would surely turn to and dog-sicle and since I had not shower that day, rode in a car for 8 hours and had more clothes on me to survive Antarctica (yes it was colder than our house than Antarctica!) it was pretty safe to say that I did not really want to run into anyone I knew, not even family. I was that bad. As the discussion went on, I lost it. I could not contain myself any longer. I turned to Andy and said. "I can't take it. I have been cold all weekend. I sucked it up while we were at HHI, but I just can't take it. I am tired of being COLD!" Then I started crying. Not the pretty cry, but the UGLY one. Do you know what Andy did, yep, he started laughing. You heard me right, laughing.

Now, before you get mad at him I have to admit had I not been so cold that it brought me to tears, I probably would have laughed at me too. I was a mess. He walked over to me and gave me a hug, still laughing, and said let's go to my parents house and warm up. I agreed and we left.

We stayed at Amy and Bill's for about an hour and both just longed to be home. We stopped by Starbucks to cheer me up and headed home. The cheering up lasted about 1 second after we walked in the door. The house, it was just as cold, if not colder than when we left. The hour of warming the house up had not worked and it was still so cold that it would not register on the thermostat. What did I do? I did not loose it again. I did, however, think about it. I just found every blanket in the house, left my new Uggs on, wore 2 pairs of gloves, Andy gave me his hat, got my space heater, and plopped down on the couch and was determined to stay there until the house was warm. Andy told me to go to my mom's house if he could not get the house to start heating up. Well, once he determined that we needed to turn the fan off (it was just blowing more cold air around the house, the house started heating up. By the time that we went to be it made it all the way to 48 degrees and might as well have been a heat wave. We went to bed, I turned on my heated mattress pad (a big shout out to Bill and Amy for giving that to us!) and went to bed. The house was finally warm when we woke up in the morning. I have never in my life been so thankful for heat and a husband that can fix everything, even when he laughs at me through the process.

So I don't leave you without a picture. Andy snapped this one on his phone of me sitting on the couch hoping that our house would one day be warm again.

love always,

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