Wednesday, August 20, 2008


I never try to hide the fact that my favorite animal is a cow. I love them. I wish that I had one of my very own that we could keep in the backyard. A couple of months ago Andy and I were given a deep freezer from a very dear friend. Since it is just the two of us we don't have a great need for it but thinking down the line (when we do have lots and lots of children, did you hear that Andy, lots and lots- hee hee hee) that it may come in handy. Well after we put it in our garage, Andy said to me one day; I think that we should get a cow! I got really, really excited and finally thought that all my dreams of owning a cow had a chance of coming true. I said, "Oh really, but where will we keep it? In the backyard?" For those of you who have not see our house, we live on maybe a half an acre and although our backyard is perfect for a dog, it would not quite be big enough for a cow and all of their... shall we say...poop! So for Andy to even mention getting one I was shocked. My questions were quickly followed by an answer that I don't even want to think about. He replied, "No Cameron, for the freezer. We could by a whole cow from the processor and put it in the freezer to cook with." Although I am not opposed to eating cow meat, I was floored at the idea that we would have a whole cow in the freezer. We have yet to get a cow but I was very disappointed that Andy did not want to get me a new pet for the backyard. Maybe down the road we can get one, yeah right...

So I told you all of that to show you these glasses that I found online. My mom bought these glasses for me and some my my darling friends when we were in high school. I loved them then but love them even more now since I don't have them to drink from everyday. The rule with these glasses was that they were only allowed to be used for milk and nothing else. Here is the picture of the glass.

They are so cute and I wish that I had a set now to drink my milk out of. I guess I will just have to save up to get them. They are just precious. Here is the link to where they can be purchased if any of you want to have some fun milk glasses...

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