Friday, May 28, 2010


Last night my mom and I, along with some of her friends, went to go see the movie Babies. I am not sure but I think that she is trying to tell me something, like she would like a grandchild and she would like one now! hahaha ;0)
The movie was wonderful. Is is a documentary and no one really talks during the whole movie. I don't think that many of my guy friends would like it, but it was really interesting and funny. I would totally see it again and it makes me want to adopt some day as well. There are so many darling babies all over the world. None of the ones in the movie needed adopting as they had great parents, but it just reminded me of all of the children in the world that are just as beautiful as the ones that I see everyday. The best part of the movie was seeing the various parenting styles. It was interesting to see that children that grow up in what we would see as less than perfect conditions can develop just the same as the ones that have everything sanitized and perfect. Did I mention that the kids in this movie were totally CUTE! I love the opening scene in the movie it is also the first one in the trailer.
Here is the trailer. See for yourself!

love always,

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