Thursday, July 22, 2010

when bugs attack

So a couple of weeks ago Andy and I took a trip up to Norris lake to hang out at his aunt and uncle's lake house. While we were up there Andy was walking down the steps of their dock he looked down and saw a wasp. He said that he was about to tell Uncle Ben that there was a nest when the wasp flew towards him and stung him on his foot. After he got stung he calmly told Uncle Ben about the nest and they sprayed it and that was it. By the time that Andy made it to the house (I was in the house while all of this was going on.) his foot was starting to swell. He didn't complain much at all and when we took another look at it after dinner it was so swollen that I said that it looked like a Fred Flintstones foot and you could see the indention from his flip flops. We gave him some benedryl and we went home. For the next few days when I would ask, Andy is not a complainer (I make up for all of his lack of complaining), he would say that his foot was still swollen and itched. It finally went away and we though that we were done with the wasp incidents. Well that was until Monday.

Andy went out to some job site to work on his bobcat. He called me and again calmly told me that he had gotten stung by another wasp, but this time in his arm. I asked if he was okay and he said yeah, but it is kind of swollen. When he got home, he was not kidding. His arm was swollen and red. Here are some of the pictures that I took on Tuesday night. Remember he was stung on Monday morning so this is well after the worst of it.

I love his face in this one. Not sure what he was looking at.
You can tell that the arm on the right (his left) is a bit bigger than the other one.
Finally got a smile out of him.
Now this one you can really tell how swollen it was.

This one you can kind of tell.

Now take a look at that lump on the outside of his arm.
It was scary, but he lived to tell about it.
I would like to report that he has healed and back to normal.

And thank goodness, I guess we just need to steer clear of a wasps for the rest of the summer. It is also a good thing that he was the one stung. I am not sure that I would have been as calm. I am such a baby about stuff like that.
love always,

1 comment:

C. Connell said...

thank you Andy for those sexy shirtless shots. quite an entertaining blog