She is getting so strong. She doesn't really mind tummy time that much. She is working hard at doing her baby push ups when she is on her tummy. My mom said she rolled over the other day but I haven't seen it yet. She smiles ALL THE TIME and at just about anyone. She will laugh if you kiss her neck or turn her upside down. She loves her Daddy and gets excited when he comes into the room.
She is in size 2 diapers and 3 month clothing. She can still fit into some of her 0-3month pajamas so I think that she is a little shorty. Her eyes are so blue. My mom says that they are navy and I think that is a good description of them. I think that she still looks just like Andy but she does have my hair so at least when I hold her in public people think she belongs to me.
She loves to sit in her blue chair and "help" me wash her bottles or cook dinner. She loves to talk or scream is probably a better description. She is not mad she just likes to yell and "talk" loudly.
She is not sleeping through the night yet but we know it will come. Even though we still have sleepless nights, she is totally worth every one.
I love this girl more than I thought possible. She is such a joy and has made Andy and I love in ways that we never thought we could. Honestly, I think my favorite thing to watch is Andy interact with her and give her kisses. She loves it and it is just so sweet.
Happy 4 Month Birthday Lily. Your Mom and Dad love you so, so much.
This picture is one that my mom took. She is wearing (my grandmother) her great-grandmother's outfit from when she was a baby. I am not sure I wore it but it is so cute and brings out her blue eyes. The head tilt she is giving just melts me.
love always,
Uh, she is a cutie! So adorable! Can't believe she is four months either! Need to see her again! Glad y'all are doing well and glad for the update!
Hi I’m Heather! Please email me when you get a chance! I have a question about your blog. HeatherVonsj(at)gmail(dot)com
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