Friday, July 16, 2010


I am so HAPPY for all of them.
Lots of exciting this have been announced with our friends lately. Mostly it has carried the theme of people having or adopting babies. What a wonderful thing it is to add a whole new, and tiny person to your family. I love watching people as new parents and the tenderness that fills their hearts for their child and children all around. I love watching them become more patient and less selfish. The transformation is amazing. The joy in their eyes of those that are recently pregnant. The excitement that they have in the waiting for months to meet their newest family member. It is all so sweet and fun to watch.
So to all of our friends, recently pregnant, those about to have their babies, those who have just had or adopted a baby and those that have children- we love you all, we love your children and are so happy to be a part of you life. We love watching you parent and seeing your heart and love for your children. Thanks for letting us love your children just as we love you.

love always,

PS: I have a post to go with the above picture but I have not gotten around to posting it. So there is your sneak peek!

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